Wikia Stardewvalleyvietnam
Wikia Stardewvalleyvietnam
Thông tin
Sinh nhật Ngày 17 Mùa Hè
Sống tại Thị trấn Pelican
Địa chỉ Số 1 hẻm Willow
Gia đình

Kent Icon Kent (Ba)

Jodi Icon Jodi (Mẹ)

Vincent Icon Vincent (Em trai)

Bạn bè

Sebastian Icon Sebastian

Abigail Icon Abigail

Penny Icon Penny

Kết hôn Chưa kết hôn
Yêu thích Maple Bar Maple Bar
Cactus Fruit Cactus Fruit
Pizza Pizza
Tigerseye Tigerseye
“Sam is an outgoing, friendly guy who is brimming with youthful energy. He plays guitar and drums, and wants to start a band with Sebastian as soon as he has enough songs together. However, he does have a habit of starting ambitious projects and not finishing them. Sam is a little stressed about the impending return of his father, who has been away for years due to his line of work.”
Dev Update #12

Sam là một Dân làng sống ở Thị trấn Pelican. Anh là một trong 10 người có thể Kết hôn. Anh sống ở khu vực phía nam của trị trấn, phía bắc của con sông.

Sam thường ở trong phòng ngủ và tập Guitar, hoặc là dành thời gian với bạn là Sebastian. Anh cũng làm việc bán thời gian tại Siêu thị Joja.

Lịch trình[]

Sam thường được bắt gặp ở trong phòng ngủ tập Guitar. Anh ta cũng thường xuất hiện ở thị trấn, chơi game hay chơi Bi-a ở Quán rượu. Đôi khi Sam cũng làm việc bán thời gian tại Siêu thị Joja và thứ Hai và thứ Tư. Nếu người chơi hoàn thành nhiệm vụ ở Nhà văn hóa, anh sẽ làm việc tại Viện bảo tàng (gần lò sưởi). Trong suốt mùa Xuân, anh thường ở Quán rượu, thăm Rừng Cindersap và mùa Thu, và Bãi biển vào mùa Hạ.

Khi trời mưa, Sam thường ở nhà hoặc ra Quán rượu vài tiếng.

Lịch trình hằng ngày của Sam có thể thay đổi nếu có điều kiện ngoại cảnh như Mùa, Thời tiết hoặc vài ngày trong tuần. Dưới đây là lịch trình được sắp xếp theo thứ tự ưu tiên từ cao đến thấp. (Ví dụ: Khi trời mưa, lịch trình sẽ được ghi đè lên bất cứ lịch trình của mùa bên dưới).

Spring Xuân

Regular Schedule

Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM 1 Willow Lane Plays guitar inside his bedroom
1:40 PM Pelican Town Leaves the his bedroom walks into town and stands near Lewis's house by the river.
6:30 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns home from town.
9:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.
Summer Hạ

Regular Schedule

Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM 1 Willow Lane Plays guitar inside his bedroom
1:40 PM The Beach Leaves the his bedroom walks to the beach by the firepit with his brother Vincent.
7:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns home from the beach.
9:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.
Fall Thu

Regular Schedule

Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM 1 Willow Lane Plays guitar inside his bedroom
1:20 PM The Woods Leaves the his bedroom walks to the woods.
7:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns home from the woods.
9:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Fall 11

Time Location Action
10:00 AM Pelican Town Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom. "I gotta go visit Uncle Doctor today... Great."
11:30 AM Medical Clinic Walks to the clinic for his annual checkup, plays his handheld video game in the waiting room.
1:30 PM Medical Clinic Gets medical checkup at the clinic. "I'm a healthy boy, doc. Can I go now? This is boring."
4:00 PM Pelican Town Leaves the clinic to walk into town. "I just got out of the doctor's office. Completely healthy and vigorous, just as I expected."
9:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns to his bedroom to go to bed.
Winter Đông

Regular Schedule

Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM 1 Willow Lane Plays guitar inside his bedroom
1:20 PM Pelican Town Leaves the his bedroom walks to the saloon.
7:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns home from the saloon.
9:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Day 9 & Day 23 (If less than 6 hearts with Penny)

Time Location Action
9:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM Pelican Town Leaves the his bedroom walks into town.
4:00 PM Pelican Town Continues to walk around town, plays his handheld video game.
7:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns home from town.
9:30 PM 1 Willow Lane Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.


Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, stands in front of the dresser in his room.
11:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Plays guitar inside his room.
3:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Plays his handheld video game in the kitchen inside his house.
5:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns to his bedroom. and stands in front of his dresser.
6:30 PM 1 Willow Lane At his desk inside his bedroom.
8:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Goes to go to bed.

Raining (Year 2)

Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Moves around inside his home
2:00 PM The Saloon Leaves the his bedroom walks to the saloon. "Nothing like an ice cold Joja Cola on a sopping wet day, huh? Just kidding. Hehehe."
7:40 PM 1 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon and returns to his bedroom to go to bed.


Time Location Action
8:00 AM Pelican Town Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom and walks just outside to stand by the river in front of Haley and Emily's house.
11:00 AM Pelican Town Walks to a nearby bush and plays his handheld video game in town.
12:30 PM 1 Willow Lane Leaves town, goes to his bedroom with Sebastian to practice guitar.
3:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Hangs out in his room with Sebastian.
6:00 PM Pelican Town Leaves his home to walk to the river in front of his house with Sebastian.
7:40 PM 1 Willow Lane Returns to his bedroom to go to bed.

Monday & Wednesday

Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom
11:00 AM JojaMart Leaves the his bedroom walks to JojaMart to work.
4:00 PM 1 Willow Lane Finshes work at JojaMart, returns home.
6:30 PM 1 Willow Lane In his bedroom in front of bookshelf.
9:30 PM 1 Willow Lane In his bedroom in bed.


Time Location Action
10:00 AM 1 Willow Lane Wakes up for the day, plays guitar inside his bedroom
11:00 AM Pelican Town Leaves the his bedroom walks into town to go skateboarding.
3:00 PM The Saloon Walks to the saloon to play pool near the arcade.
9:20 PM 1 Willow Lane Leaves the saloon and walks home to his bedroom to go to bed.

Mối quan hệ[]

Sam sống với mẹ là Jodi và em trai là Vincent. Anh và Sebastian là bạn thân và thường dành thời gian cùng nhau. Vào màu xuân, năm thứ II, ba của Sam (Kent) trở về và sống với gia đình.

Quà tặng[]

Birthday (Summer 17)[]

“A birthday gift? That's very kind of you! I love it.”


“Aw, yea! This is my absolute favorite!”

Universal Loves

Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Cactus Fruit
Cactus Fruit The sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus. Foraging - Desert
Maple Bar
Maple Bar It's a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze Cooking

Maple Syrup Maple Syrup (1) Sugar Sugar (1) Wheat Flour Wheat Flour (1)

Pizza It's popular for all the right reasons. Cooking

Wheat Flour Wheat Flour (1) Tomato Tomato (1) Cheese Cheese (1)

Tigerseye A stripe of shimmering gold gives this gem a warm luster. Minerals


“Thanks! I really like this.”

Universal Likes

Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Beer Drink in moderation. Keg Wheat Wheat (1)
Wine Drink in moderation. Keg Any Fruit
Juice A sweet, nutritious beverage. Artisan Goods Any Vegetable
Cheese It's your basic cheese. Cheese Press

Milk Milk (1)

Duck Egg Duck Egg It's still warm. Ducks
Earth Crystal
Earth Crystal A resinous substance found near the surface. Foraging - Mines
Brown Egg Egg A regular brown chicken egg Brown Chickens
White Egg Egg A regular white chicken egg White Chickens
Goat Cheese
Goat Cheese Soft cheese made from goat's milk. Cheese Press

Goat Milk Goat Milk (1)

Honey It's a sweet syrup produced by bees. Bee House
Ice Cream
Ice Cream It's hard to find someone who doesn't like this. Cooking, Ice Cream Stand

Milk Milk (1)Sugar Sugar (1)

Joja Cola
Joja Cola Joja Corporation. Joja Corporation, Fishing, Saloon Vending Machine
Large Brown Egg Large Egg It's an uncommonly large brown egg! Brown Chickens
Large Egg Large Egg It's an uncommonly large white egg! White Chickens
Pancakes A double stack of fluffy, soft pancakes. Cooking, Saloon Wheat Flour Wheat Flour (1)Egg Egg (1)
Sashimi Raw fish sliced into thin pieces. Cooking

Fish Fish (1)


“You got this for me? Thanks!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Sweet Gem Berry
Sweet Gem Berry It's by far the sweetest thing you've ever smelled. Farming - Fall
Blueberry A popular berry reported to have many health benefits. The blue skin has the highest nutrient concentration. Farming - Summer
Blackberry An early-fall treat. Foraging - Fall
Clam Someone lived here once Foraging - Beach
Coral An ancient shell Foraging - Beach
Goat Milk Goat Milk The milk of a goat Goat
Grape A sweet cluster of fruit. Crops - Fall

Foraging - Summer

Large Goat Milk Large Goat Milk A gallon of creamy goat's milk Goat
Large Milk Large Milk A large jug of cow's milk Cow
Milk Milk A jug of cow's milk Cow
Spice Berry
Spice Berry It fills the air with a pungent aroma. Foraging - Summer
Strawberry Juicy sweet fruit that provides a good amount of cash because it keeps growing! Farming - Spring


“Hmm.. this is... interesting.”


Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Clay Put in a furnace to make a clay pot. "worms" tiles/ Tilling dirt with a hoe.
Corn A vegetable that grows during summer and fall. Crops - Summer, Fall
Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Foraging - Spring
Hay Dried grass used as animal food. Using a scythe on grass will place hay inside the silo./ Marnie's Ranch
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. Foraging - Spring
Oyster Constantly filters water to find food. In the process, it removes dangerous toxins from the environment. Foraging - Beach

Crab Pot

Parsnip A spring tuber closely related to the carrot. It has an earthy taste and is full of nutrients. Crops - Spring
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Foraging - Mines
Seaweed It can be used in cooking. Fishing
Spring Onion
Spring Onion These grow wild during the spring. Foraging - Spring


“You really don't get it, huh?”

Universal Hates

Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Mayonnaise It looks spreadable. Mayonnaise Machine

Egg egg (1)

Pickles A jar of your homemade pickles. Preserves Jar Any Vegetable
Soggy Newspaper
Soggy Newspaper This is trash. Fishing or Trash Cans
Stone A useful material when broken with the Pickaxe. Mining rocks with a pickaxe.

Heart Events[]

Two Hearts[]

Two Hearts

Three Hearts[]

Three Hearts

Four Hearts[]

Four Hearts

Six Hearts[]

Six Hearts

Eight Hearts[]

Eight Hearts

Ten Hearts[]

Ten Hearts

Lời thoại[]

First Meeting[]


"The clouds look great this time of year, don't they?" ... "Like scoops of vanilla ice cream floating on blue raspberry sauce... Or maybe I'm just hungry." [spring]

"Ugh, I stepped in something gross earlier.. and I just bought these shoes."

"Hey, farmer."

"My Dad is a soldier, fighting against the Gotoro Empire. That's why he's not here..." ... "He'll come back someday." ... "...I've heard some terrible things about the Gotoro Empire..."

"Hmm. I just remembered that I was supposed to do something... But I forgot." ... "This happens to me all the time."

"Hey, how's it going?" ... "Last night I practiced guitar for 4 hours straight. My fingers hurt like crazy." ... "Bye, I've got something to do..."

Tue. 23, day before the Flower Dance: "Why couldn't the flower dance be today so I could get work off?"

Flower Dance, if refused: ""Hmm... I dunno. Maybe next year.""

"Oh, it's a nice day, isn't it?"

"Hey, how's it going?" ... "I'm hungry." ... "See you later."

"Oh! I just remembered I'm supposed to call my Grandma. Okay, I'm going to put this rubber band on my wrist so I don't forget." ... "I have to make little reminders for myself or else I'll totally forget to do things."

In His Room[]

Upon looking in the trash bin

""Hey, don't look in there!""


"I'm trying to come up with a new song for my band, but I'm blanking..." ... "Hey... What do you think my new song should be about?"

Farming, mining and chopping wood.
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
A city in the sea.
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
Choose anything. It'll still be a horrible song.



Sam's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Sam's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Sam timeline


  • Sam is allergic to pollen, which is shown during the Egg festival, where he complains about it. He also mentions that his "nose is really happy" during summer due to typically low pollen.
  • "Sam" is short for "Samson", which he reveals to the player once they have a good relationship with him. He also states that he doesn't want the player to tell anyone.
  • "Sam" is a unisex given name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God has heard". Other meanings are "Sun child" or "bright sun".
  • Sam behaves differently than other NPCs when the player rummages through garbage cans. Instead of being disgusted, he just asks the player why they're searching through the trash.
  • On Sam's portraits, his undershirt is yellow, however in his sprite, it is red.

